Day 9 of the Apocalypse, Gerton, NC, pop. 231

Day 9 #hurricanehelene

Yesterday was a rest day for me, after overdoing it with a migraine on Friday. I stayed at home, alone for the first time in 9 days.

Jeff went down the mountain to meet several people who were dropping off key supplies - like a Starlink for our community, as well as 100 gallons of gas - to refuel all of the ATVs now being used to make supply deliveries to remote areas of our fire district.

I stayed home and cleaned up around the house. After a while ATVs started showing up in our neighborhood. The first had small tanks of propane to distribute (like for grills). The second had water. The third had 5 guys hanging out of it - going door-to-door assessing damage, at the request of our Fire Chief.

I took them to our neighbor’s house which has a giant Hickory tree leaning over it, poised to topple. Although we got those neighbors evacuated a few days ago, we still want to ensure their home doesn't sustain further damage.

En route home from the neighbors, I saw a Black Bear cross the road about 10 feet in front of me. I was so excited to see him - a first since the hurricane - that I started talking to him, just like I do my dogs.

Mr. Bear was not amused. Apparently I was blocking his egress, causing a traffic jam. So I got out of his way, and he continued his mission.

A couple of hours later “Animal” showed up in a bright yellow giant ATV. Animal is a combat Vet and stucco mason from Chattanooga, TN, with a foot-long white braided goatee and a gigantic smile. He used his massive chainsaw to start clearing the trees on his own on our road, and around our neighbor’s house.

Animal volunteers regularly in disaster zones, sleeping in a camper that he hand-built for his truck. He said he loves being able to get to know new people and support others in this way.


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