As 2019 begins I am getting radically curious.

Your Soul Matters - Be radically curious.
As 2019 begins I am getting radically curious. Already, on the 3rd day of this year, what I thought my business would look like this year, or even this first quarter, has changed.
I am showing up differently in my life and my business than even a month ago. The type of client the business is attracting has shifted. My team is shifting and growing. I have dropped into myself in a way that frankly surprises me; because I thought I was already there.
I wasn’t.
Every morning I pull a wisdom card from Collette Baron-Reid’s phenomenal oracle deck: Wisdom of the Oracle. This morning, OF COURSE, I pulled “A Change in the Wind” (a card which I have never pulled in a year of using this deck).
The message from this card:
“The unknown is where the magic lies; anticipate it with curiosity. As you endeavor to create a prosperous life, you may encounter unexpected reversals that cause you to shift directions. This is a good thing, so there is nothing to fear. Circumstances are not in your control right now. Wait it out. All will be well - even better, actually. Trust.”
Already in 2019 everything that is not in highest alignment with my life and my business is sorting itself out as the business prepares to radically scale this year. And instead of resisting, or being frustrated, or wishing it was already all figured out, I find myself deeply curious about this game of alignment.
That’s what I want you to know, in this moment of witnessing my business growth:
The more I follow my soul’s guidance for my business, the more I prioritize alignment in my life and my business, the more exquisite attention must be given to every little (and big) thing that is out of alignment. What may have been able to squeak by 3 years, 1 year, even 6 months ago can no longer be ignored. EVERY LITTLE THING must be aligned to me and my business otherwise nothing moves forward.
Just a few years ago, I didn’t GET that this would be so exacerbated for me as I scale my business. I didn’t think it would be a big deal if I had my business completely in alignment, but continued to date men that weren’t a good fit for me, or if I didn’t quite take care of my body in the way it most desires.
No longer.
Everything is inter-related. There are no ways to “cheat” on this path of soul integration and alignment.
This is a warning to those of you conscious entrepreneurs growing your business, and also a PROMISE.
This is where abundance lies.
This is where you get to become the BEST version of yourself.
This is when the entire Universe conspires to support you in ways you may not have even recognized you needed support.
For me, this is the whole f*cking point of being a spiritual being having a human experience. This is the magic. This is the purpose. This is the end game.
Ready to join me?
P.S. Enrollment is now open for Grow Your Empire, my 9 month mentoring + mastermind program. This program conspires to support you in radically aligning every aspect of your life and your business to your soul, shows you how your unique soul most desires to express itself in your business, and blasts through everything holding you back from growing your empire. This is for the entrepreneur DONE with being in fear, lack, scarcity and playing small. It is the ultimate incubator program for conscious entrepreneurs already at 6 figures ready to take their business to the next level. Apply here: /empire
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