How are you betraying yourself right now?
The full moon is shining down on you, bathing you as you sleep.
The trees are blowing in the wind, welcoming the sun in the early morning.
The clouds blossom pink in the sky, reminding you of joy and life.
The world is waiting for you to come alive and DO your purpose.
Your purpose is not to serve everyone else before you serve yourself.
Your purpose is not to answer every email or every Facebook post.
Your life will not have more meaning if you obsess over your to-do list, or what that other person is doing over there, or all of the ways that you have already failed when really, beloved, it is only 7 am, and the world is beckoning you to come alive and BE PRESENT.
You betray yourself each time you leave the present moment.
You deny your wholeness and your own magnificent power.
You diminish your energy, the very essence of your BEINGness when you choose proving over your heart’s desire, when you choose fear over leaping in faith, when you choose the HOW over the deliciousness of this present moment.
The HOW is insidious.
How is this going to work? How am I ever going to get everything done? How am I going to make that next sales goal? How am I going to find my next level client? How am I going to lose the weight? How am I going to find the time? How am I going to be in a loving relationship? How am I going to be a better partner/lover/parent/friend/CEO/coach? How am I going to arrive at my ego’s destination?
With each HOW you betray yourself.
Your soul knows the path forward.
Your soul doesn’t need to worry about the HOW.
Because your soul is magnetic.
Your soul attracts the clients, the love, the sales, the team, the support, the everything.
Your soul knows the way to grow your empire. Are you willing to be PRESENT and LISTEN?
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