Why being uncomfortable is good for business


Being Uncomfortable Is Good For Business

Every single entrepreneur I have ever interacted with struggles with resistance. Resistance is simply your ego (your survival instincts) stepping into to try and stop you whenever you do something new. For the ego, new is bad and dangerous. Staying the same is good and safe.

Resistance, when not managed properly, can quickly stop you in your tracks in your business.

As an entrepreneur, you must master your own resistance mechanisms - recognize them, and then not allow them to stop you from moving forward and taking new action.

Here’s how:

Tips for managing resistance:

Tip #1:  Expect resistance and look for it so you can clearly identify it.

Resistance can be hard to recognize and the form of resistance can change very frequently - even weekly!

Forms of resistance that I commonly see in entrepreneurs include: Demotivation, Confusion, Blank Brain, Forgetfulness, Research and Planning, Procrastination, Drama, Lack of Resources, Excuses, Magical Thinking, Thinking you are Special and above doing the work, Abdication, Terror, and Depression.

Which of these forms of resistance affect you? How can you become aware, quickly, when they surface?

Tip #2:  Be an interested observer to your own resistance, and do not self identify with it.

Rather than saying I am so unmotivated and I need to do other things first say to yourself, Oh, how interesting, resistance is showing up to try and stop me right now. How about that?

The more conscious you are of your resistance mechanisms the better you get at spotting them and you learn to work through them, and then your ego starts learning that it can’t stop you.

By the way, your resistance says nothing about you and the essence of who you are. It’s simply your survival instincts kicking in. Because your ego wants to keep you safe, which means it wants to keep you the same.

Tip #3: Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The most powerful thing you can do to support yourself in your business is get comfortable with being uncomfortable. There’s a saying in the entrepreneurial world: New Level = New Devil.

This means that every time you step out and do something new in your business new funkier forms of resistance and subconscious mindset crap will surface for you to deal with. There is never EVER going to be a point at which you have simply ARRIVED in your evolution. You will always be in growth as an entrepreneur. (Note: if you are not currently feeling growing pains then you’re probably in resistance or denial.)

Your survival instincts, time and time again, are going to do everything in their power to keep you safe, to keep you the same. And they do this by putting up resistance.

You will be less impacted by resistance if your ego wants TRANSFORMATION more than it wants to be safe and comfortable.

The best way to get comfortable with being uncomfortable with growth in your business, is to keep your focus on your desire more than your fear. Because your desire - what you most deeply want for yourself and your business - is going to help motivate you through all kinds of resistance..

What do you desire for your business? Comment below and let me know.


Meade Neumann

Lol, yesterday I had a moment when a specific desire was my focus. Today, I'm pulling blank brain and can't remember what it was! Too funny, and thanks for keeping it in perspective!
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Ian Rudick

This rings so true. Thank you. Great practical tips on dealing with resistance
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Great article. I just shared it with my team and clients. This has been key for me. Learning to embrace that which makes me uncomfortable knowing that it is exactly what will get me to the next level. Love it. Thanks for being AWESOME!!!
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Emma Churchman

Yeah, Meade. Great awareness! I might encourage you to write down your desires, so you can learn to track them. Those fleeting thoughts can be incredibly powerful!
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Emma Churchman

So glad, Ian! It's amazing what can happen when we don't let resistance run the show in our business.
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Emma Churchman

Jen: I'm honored you shared this post with your team and clients! Yes, being good with being uncomfortable is REALLY powerful. So glad you get this. And, you're welcome for being awesome! ;-)
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Pamela Jay

This is so true, Emma. I remember clearly the day I realized that I had things backwards and my taking "the path of least resistance" was nothing but a knee-jerk reaction- a default button that was keeping me stuck in self-defeating patterns. You have helped me better understand the vision that was given to me that day. I still use it when I first begin to recognize I am feeling uncomfortable as it helps me regain a state of comfortableness that magically transcends the fear. I visualize grabbing the hand of my ego self and we run together like little girls to a place of safety. We are huddled together inside a seed deep within my belly getting ready to sprout. There is all this pressure, energy and power in the darkness and I have no idea what I will come to see but I keep assuring my ego we are safe and warm and loved and just hold my desire on pushing up through the soil to sunshine and higher ground. I see now how the visualization is giving my mind something to do that is over-ridding the old reaction. It is quite beautiful. Thanks for your posts. They are great mirrors.
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Emma Churchman

Pamela Jay! What a beautiful visual of acknowledging your ego and still moving forward! We all need that reminder that our ego needs acknowledgement and a different path. I love that you have found a way to acknowledge your resistance and transcend fear. And I'm delighted that my posts are great mirrors for you. It is my honor.
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