
Here’s the secret to growing your empire…


Here’s the secret to growing your empire…

It’s not having the perfect operational or tactical strategy…

The perfect lead generation, or sales funnel, or marketing plan, or message, or team, or business systems, or program…

It’s not looking GOOD, surrounded by prospects and clients who think you walk on water…

It’s not reaching a certain financial marker… . . .

Here’s the secret, are you ready?

This is what it REALLY takes to grow your empire:

Understanding how to take a spiritually strate…

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Are you resisting joy?


Are you resisting joy?

Most of us are not yet ready to feel good or be happy 100% all the time.

We say we want to be happy, positive, healthy and wealthy but we’re still doing things that hold us back from achieving it because we don’t believe it’s possible.

We sabotage ourselves when it comes to success, when the stakes are high, or when success is more than we have experienced before.

We literally resist joy.

In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks writes:

“The Upper Limit Problem is the human te…

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Things that help me grow my empire.


Things that help me grow my empire... (in no particular order):

💥 Praying and reflecting deeply enough, and often enough, to listen for the way forward. Beginning my day with journaling, and pulling a card from Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the Oracle deck, to help focus my day (I always ask, what’s in my highest good to focus on today?).

💥 Staying hydrated. Getting more than enough sleep. Paying close attention to my body and giving it what it needs. Eating primarily organic, with minimal gl…

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Other people's opinions or actions will not bring you closer to God, your purpose, or your soul.

Other people’s opinions or actions will not bring you closer to God, your purpose, or your soul.

I promise.

Especially when you CARE about what other people think of you.

Or need people to think or believe or perceive certain things about you.

Focusing on another’s opinion of you will cause you to keep yourself in an addictive loop of:

👉 needing other people to like you

👉 needing to be rescued

👉 becoming derailed whenever someone says something negative about you or has a negative reactio…

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Be the energy you want to attract.

Be the energy you want to attract.

Sometimes we confuse fear and desire. It’s easy, because it some ways they are two sides of the same coin.

👉 We can deeply desire to make $x amount in sales this month, by the last day of the month.

👉 We can have tons of positive intentions about WHY we want to make this sales number by that date.

👉 We can be absolutely clear about how that new money will impact our business and our life.

👉 We can get juiced about the WHY behind our desire. But if there is…

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You are pure consciousness

You are pure consciousness.

You literally have access to the entire quantum field of reality and can create in each moment anything you desire.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

And sometimes your humanity, frankly, f*cks things up with disempowered energy.

👉 Wanting is a disempowered energy.

👉 Wanting things to be different than they are in this moment.

👉 Wishing you were further along then you are in your business.

👉 Wanting to blame everyone else for your problems or…

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Everything that is happening in your business right now is for your highest good.


Everything that is happening in your business right now is for your highest good.

This shaking out is absolutely necessary for your business to move to the next level.

The high degree of discomfort you are feeling is a reminder that you are on your growth edge, yet again. I know you believe that you only need to bump up against your growth edge intermittently, and that you’d prefer to only be on the edge when it’s convenient, but that is not how Spirit works.

You know, Divine Timing and all.

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What is love asking?

What is LOVE asking right now?

Such a powerful question, and a gorgeous reframe anytime I’m feeling out of balance.

For me, this week, it has been asking me to fill my own cup.

To ask first what I need before giving to others.

To stop REACTING in the name of being who I think others need me to be.

To pay attention to what belongs to me and what belongs to someone else.

To set the boundaries.

To go within.

To connect with Source.

To spend as much time as possible on the land.

To eat acr…

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I have wrestled with vulnerability.

Like, no joke, rolling around on the floor WRESTLED with this thing called vul-ner-a-bil-ity

I have defended myself against the defense mechanism inherent in vulnerability.

I have hidden from it, cajoled it, loved it, hated it, abandoned it, given it too much attention in the landscape of my life, I have indulged in it, I have locked it in the kitchen cupboard for fear it would annihilate me.

Sometimes I have even asked it what it needs, or taken it for a walk, or placed it at the center of m…

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Be. Here. Now.

Be. Here. Now.

We want to be in FLOW.

We want the Universe to grant our every wish.

We want people around us to rally up in support of us.

We are always seeking that elusive external confirmation that what we are doing, who we are being, and what we desire to have, is working.

When we are drowning in our own stories, our own fear, our own shit storm...

When we have not filled up our own cup...

When we have not worshipped first at our own feet, we keep ourselves searching.

We keep WANTING…

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