
What is your magnificent obsession in your business? Here’s mine…


What is your magnificent obsession in your business? 

The most frequent question I get from other entrepreneurs about the success I have had in my business goes something like this,

“Emma, how the heck did you get like that?” (that, apparently, meaning successful).

Let’s begin here: I believe that success is having the freedom and ability to make money whenever and wherever you want.

I also believe that success in business is 10% execution and logistics and 90% managing you: your attitudes, …

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How to be yourself AND make more money

Be yourself and make money!

It used to be that when someone would use the word sales person around me I would immediately picture a white man, in the 1970s in bell bottoms and suit jacket with slicked back hair trying to sell me a used car - telling me everything he thinks I want to hear.

I know you know exactly what I am talking about.


Who the heck would want to be that guy?

You need to be YOURSELF in your sales conversations. And not just a “little” you and a “lot” stereotypical s…

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Who is running the sales in your business?

Who is running the sales in your business?

Let me cut right to the chase, because y’all know that’s how I like to roll:

90% of our thoughts and actions are run by our subconscious.

In order to be successful in sales in your business, you must understand how your subconscious is influencing and affecting your sales process.

And really, to be a successful entrepreneur or solopreneur, you must understand how your subconscious is influencing EVERY aspect of your business.

Let me give you some E…

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Get Your Manifesting Blueprint


Have you ever wondered how you actually manifest things in your life and business?

Do you believe that you probably have a system that you use to manifest, you’re just not sure exactly what it is?

Have you ever manifested something really powerful but had no idea how it happened?

Are you ready to understand exactly how your Soul is designed to manifest all aspects of the human experience?

Great, I’d like to tell you about my Manifesting Blueprint!

The Manifesting Blueprint shows you how to …

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Vibrational Alignment Isn't for the Faint of Heart


Vibrational Alignment and how to achieve it

Have you ever wondered how you actually manifest things in your life and business?

Do you believe that you probably have a system that you use to manifest, you’re just not sure exactly what it is?

Have you ever manifested something really powerful but had no idea how it happened?

Are you ready to understand exactly how your Soul is designed to manifest all aspects of the human experience?

Are you ready to learn how to get the vibrational alignment…

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You can't make me manifest!

What does it take to Manifest?

Actually manifesting what you want can be scary, because with it comes responsibility.

Each manifested outcome brings with it more responsibility. After all, having consciousness of what is possible for us to achieve and create makes it hard for us to accept living less than our full potential.

And, as you may have already figured out for yourself, just changing at the level of thought is NOT enough to manifest new results.

You have to take new action.

We mani…

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YouTube's JP Spears and Manifesting

Let’s talk about Manifesting! Lots of spiritually conscious folks talk about how to Manifest things in their lives and business - some in ways that feel accurate to me, and other in ways that frankly are totally annoying - like, hey, I just totally manifested $500 by telling the universe I wanted $500!

For the record, that is a total simplification of how manifestation works

And, it’s a reflection of something called unconscious competence, which I’ll get into later.

On YouTube there’s this g…

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Stop focusing on WHAT you do in your business

Here’s the deal: if you are a highly conscious entrepreneur HOW you do business matters.

And it matters even more than WHAT you do in your business.

Wait, what? Yes, how, not what.

At high levels of consciousness financial abundance CANNOT be created outside of your soul purpose.

Some humans are able to do business at the mental level and do really well - however the more conscious you are, the less that works, and the less traditional models of business work for you. The higher your energet…

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How Your Choices Will Make Or Break Your Business

Everything in our life and business is a choice. We either make choices that negate our divinity or we make choices that support our divinity. Think about that for a minute - all day long you are deciding, in each moment, whether to support who you truly are as a soul or to negate yourself. That is power, and that is responsibility.

I find amazing freedom in that, because it shows us that as souls we have 100% free will. Unless someone is threatening your life or physically restraining you, you…

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What is Your Soul Purpose, Really?

What is your Soul's purpose?

Let me go ahead and save you the TWO decades (and the $100,000) it took me to figure out what my soul purpose is:

The purpose of EVERY SOUL is to express your divinity into your humanity.

Let me repeat that (because it’s that good!): the purpose of every soul is to express your divinity into your humanity.

How do you recognize your own soul gifts - your own divinity?

Let me begin by telling you what NOT to do ….

To discover your own gifts and divinity do not si…

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