
Spiritual Advisor Application



You are here for a reason. I celebrate your decision to show up for yourself in a big way. I can’t wait to learn more about you and the vision that is in your heart.

Know this:

Filling out this application is a life-changing process.

It begins a conversation of possibility AND begins to shift things for you immediately as you press that button and declare, “Let’s do this.”

Only 1% of people who visit this page actually allow themselves to submit an application.

You can decide now to be that 1%.

I believe in you, and I always will.



Please complete all of the questions below. All fields are required.




Email Address:


You Business Website / URL:


Facebook or Instagram handle:

(Please specify which platform you would prefer to be contacted on.)


Current Monthly Revenue:


Desired Monthly Revenue in the next 3 Months:


What is your vision for your life and for the world?

(Have fun with this question! Let yourself dive deep, open your heart, and journal through ALL of it…What do you see? What do you imagine? What are your biggest dreams for yourself? What motivates you most to change in the world?)


What do you believe is holding you back most right now?

(I want to hear it all unfiltered from you - no wrong answer! Where are you feeling stuck? Where are you feeling frustrated? You can give me the answer you think might be correct but also share your authentic feelings in this moment. What are you experiencing right now that is painful or frustrating or simply feels impossible to shift?)


If anything could change for you over the next 3 months, what would you most want to change in your life?

(This can be a life answer, a business answer, or BOTH. If you imagine your ideal reality 3 months from now, what would you like to be experiencing?)


What prompted you to reach out to Emma today?


What is important for a mentor to provide to you?

(No wrong answer here, either. It’s very helpful for me to know what you are desiring from a coaching relationship, what your priorities are as you invest in yourself, and what you envision your ideal support experience provides to you.)


How ready do you feel to do the work necessary to permanently transform your life?


What is your greatest fear in this process?

{This may not be a fun question, but it’s an important one, just to check in with yourself and observe what fears come up for you in the process of filling this out. Be present with what is there; know that you can move through absolutely any fear; and honor where you are in this moment.)


Which of these best describes your financial situation?


I understand: